In-House PageThis page is for use by the website team. It contains items either not yet formally published or whose status has not been determined. Additional ResourcesQuestionnaireLaval Family Questionnaire is a Legacy form requesting genealogy information from family members; it needs to be modified to be appropriate to send out. List of Materials AvailableThis list, in outline form, shows the tree charts, pictures, reports, web pages, and other items available from the project. System DiagramShows how the two programs, Legacy and TreeDraw, work together. Privacy IssueThe Genealogy Report for Constant Laval (PDF file) has three versions, each with different levels of privacy for living individuals:
show the name and full details Tour of the SiteStatus not determined. Constant and Josephine LavalBrief biographies of Constant and Josephine Laval. Jeanne may work on this in the future. Other people may wish to do biographies of their close family members.
Ancestors of Constant LavalFor Claude Laval (great-grandfather of Constant Laval) the following have been developed: Tree
Chart for the Descendants of Claude Laval
Chart for the Descendants of Claude Laval Genealogy
Report for Claude Laval Table
of Names for Claude Laval and Descendants